We’ve provided this FAQ section to better assist our members with quick and concise answers to many frequently asked questions. If you have a question and cannot find your answer on this site, please contact our chapter office for assistance.
ASID Membership
1. What are the requirements for ASID membership?
For information about the various types of ASID membership and their respective requirements, click here.
2. What is the difference between a Student Chapter Membership and an Independent Student Membership?
If you are a student at a school that has an ASID student chapter, you apply for a Student Chapter Membership. You are then both a member of ASID and a member of that student chapter. Students at schools that do not have an ASID student chapter can still join ASID. They apply as an Independent Student.
3. How do I print my Membership Card?
Members can login to www.asid.org and print a membership card 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Beginning September 1, 2011, ASID will no longer print and mail membership cards for Allied or Professional members. This process has already been in effect with great success for over three years with Student and Industry Partner members.
To print your card login to www.asid.org and select “My ASID”. Once in the My ASID section please select “Print Your ASID Membership Card” from the lefthand column.
Chapter Website
1. How can I change my member information on the chapter website?
You must first login with your web site username and password. Your credentials are, generally:
Username: first.last.membernumber
Password: membernumber
After logging in, you should be prompted to Edit Your Profile, which will take you to your designer profile.
If you have questions that are not answered here, please call the ASID NY Chapter Administrator at (212) 641-0018.